

I decided to test Scrivener, a software program created for writers. I wrote the first draft of my novel using Word and creating separate files for each chapter. I then used it for the first draft revision. It works fine, but it's clunky and will be a nightmare when I go to assemble the whole thing. Also, it's a pain to manage word count, etc. I downloaded a trial version of Scrivener, watched a few You-tubes, and decided to dive right in. A few hours of cut, copy, paste, later, I had created my Project and was ready to begin Draft 2 revisions. The first thing I realized I could do was easily break up my chapters into scenes. This function alone makes revising easier! I'm going to purchase the software.

Book Revisions: Round 1

I've made it through the entire manuscript for a "first draft" revision. I'm not sure I hate it as much as I thought I might. I have really worked to make Elvira a less cardboard character, at least from the perspective of other characters. I'm worried it's too simple a story. And of course, there aren't any vampires. I still don't have a title.

Tagging Along to Chicago

I played "corporate wife" and tagged along with John on a quick business trip to Chicago. We always talk about me joining him, but sometimes his trips are too painful. Some are too quick. And some are definitely to locations I have no interest in visiting. This trip was perfect, as he didn't have mandatory dinners each night with his colleagues. I hadn't been to Chicago in at least three years, so I was looking forward to visiting my old haunts (Art Institute) and going to new ones. The weather wasn't exactly perfect, but it definitely didn't snow or storm. I walked miles, learned to "Uber," and visited some new museums. Perfect! My new favorite museum is definitely the Richard Driehaus Museum , a Gold Coast mansion that has been refurbished to its original glory. The collections were stunning, especially the Tiffany lamps and fixtures, the tiles, and the ornate wood floors and moldings. Totally worth the admission fee and taking the time to att

Self Improvement = Pain!

I am not a terribly vain person. I hate spending time in front of the mirror, staring at myself. I don't do selfies. The major thing I dislike about aging is the wrinkles around my lips. It's irritating, because I never smoked and didn't use drinking straws, but got them anyway. But, in the past few years, I've noticed that the "old lady age spots" that I have on my back keep growing and multiplying. To be honest, I don't see them (duh), so they've been out of sight out of mind. Until last year, when I put my bathing suit on. How many ways can you say gross? Then, as I started to work out more, the ones along my bra line started to itch and bleed. With our trip to Kauai on the horizon, I decided I should have them removed. I know they might come back, they're hereditary (thanks Mom!). But at least I could get rid of the ones I have now, and my back won't scare small children. I made an appointment at the cosmetic dermatologist and went in y

China Cabinet, Round 2

The new one came, and it was clear they'd had the base rebuilt. Thank goodness, because passive-aggressive me didn't want to have to reject it a second time.

New china cabinet...

Sometimes, it really is all about home decorating. I haven't had a china cabinet, or any sort of kitchen/dining display piece, since I sold my old one in Madison, to make room for THAT kitchen remodel. Of course, we moved to Colorado and I realized the piece I sold would have been perfect here. Sigh. Anywhoo, I've been shopping for the last year for something that would work in our space. Compact, nice looking, and functional. Finally, we found what we wanted after a trip to Ethan Allen (after visiting at least ten other stores). I can now display some of the pieces I've bought as well as some of mom's china. The delivery was scheduled for yesterday, earlier than promised, and I was excited. Until the guys wouldn't even come to the front door. I guessed something was wrong after a bit and my guess was, unfortunately, correct. Apparently it had been poorly packed, and the base had a huge scratch in it, one that didn't look repairable to me. So I got to reject

Finished the Novel...

I set a goal of December 31, 2017 to finish my novel. I knew I needed a deadline, but I've also learned I need structure, I need to work on it at a consistent time every day. So, by acknowledging and addressing my lack of discipline, I finished it yesterday. Well, I finished the first draft. The last few chapters have been really hard. I suppose because I was writing the final chapters, so they had to be compelling, make sense, and complete my story. Also, I was writing an ending that didn't quite match the early sections of the book, sections I knew needed revision. So I had quite a battle with myself to plunge forward, instead of go back and revise. I was mostly successful, mainly because I forced myself to NOT go back. There will be enough time for that. I've been calling this thing the Elvira Grey book since I started writing it, almost three years ago, even though I slapped a title on it when I submitted my partially completed work to Michelle at the end of 2015. I h