
Finished the Novel...

I set a goal of December 31, 2017 to finish my novel. I knew I needed a deadline, but I've also learned I need structure, I need to work on it at a consistent time every day. So, by acknowledging and addressing my lack of discipline, I finished it yesterday. Well, I finished the first draft. The last few chapters have been really hard. I suppose because I was writing the final chapters, so they had to be compelling, make sense, and complete my story. Also, I was writing an ending that didn't quite match the early sections of the book, sections I knew needed revision. So I had quite a battle with myself to plunge forward, instead of go back and revise. I was mostly successful, mainly because I forced myself to NOT go back. There will be enough time for that. I've been calling this thing the Elvira Grey book since I started writing it, almost three years ago, even though I slapped a title on it when I submitted my partially completed work to Michelle at the end of 2015. I h

Great Colorado Baking Show!

I'm addicted to cooking shows. Chopped, Iron Chef, the Kitchen, Great British Baking Show, Great American Baking Show, you name it. I don't love some of the Food Network's personalities (Guy and Giada, I'm looking at you), but love, love, love Ina Garten. And the PBS lineup can suck me in for an entire Saturday. In honor of the Great American Baking Show, which just completed, I had to test a recipe I saw: Pear Frangipane tart. It's a Mary Berry concoction and it sounded like it would be the perfect Christmas day dinner dessert. And it was! This recipe is a keeper--not too sweet, delicious flavor, and not terribly heavy. Tart + whipped cream = pure heaven...

Hawaii Art

I finished my stained glass piece, my homage to Kauai, I suppose. Until I begin another one...


We've traveled to California for the Thanksgiving holidays every year since we've been together. Thanksgiving visits to my family, and Christmas holidays with John's. Most years, our trips include at least a few days on the Sonoma Coast. We stay at my parents' home at Bodega Bay, then spend our time wine-tasting, eating at fun places, and golfing. A few years ago, we discovered the Marshall Store, with its selection of fresh oysters (I mean, fresh from Tomales Bay, right in front of the place!). If the weather cooperated at all, we'd head down there for a perfect combination of scenic, peaceful drive plus delicious seafood. This year, we decided to make one tiny change. Well two. We made reservations at the Hog Island Oyster Company (just north of the Marshall Store) and we invited Dad to join us. He'd never eaten truly fresh oysters, only the disgusting, slimy canned ones that his mother used for her casseroles, so he was a bit skeptical. We ordered fresh,

Writing Life

After three years of intermittent work, I've set a goal for myself: I'm going to finish my novel by December 31. I started it in Michelle Wildgen's "Novel in a Year" class, and didn't finish. But, given the year I had, and my work travel, I was happy to be three-quarters along. Michelle gave me excellent comments to use once I restarted the process, and I've been thinking about them during my walks with Ellie. A move to Colorado, another year of work travel, and it just sat there. No more. I have no more excuses now that I'm "retired." My draft so far seems to focus on plot and setting, and shies away from deeper characterization. Well, because it's hard! I don't want to have to think that much about Elvira, and what she went through being married to an outlaw like Henry. On the other hand, I created them so I should be able to tell their stories in a more emotional way. I do agree that poor Elvira got a bit lost in the first draf

Happy Halloween!



There's nothing like starting a visit in a driving downpour, getting soaked unloading the car. Golf clubs, suitcases, and bags of groceries made it to the condo, mostly dry. Overall, we had a great visit, and spending some time with Lauren made it all worthwhile. She made us laugh and her Googling skills uncovered the absolute best lunch place in Williamsburg, off the beaten track. I think I ate the best sandwich of my life there. Our day in Jamestown was gray, but I hadn't been back in years, so the new museum complex was very impressive. I survived golfing with Dad and another man. My guess is he didn't play with women very often... My instincts said he was a Vegas mobster, but maybe I was being overly dramatic.