Travel Conundrums

It is a quandary. We love Kauai. It's beautiful. It's relaxing. The skies and water change constantly. We know where to eat, which beaches to lounge on, and which sites to revisit. In other words, it's a "chill" vacation. Completely different from visiting a new place, which can present such joy, but also stress and anxiety. We have a friend, older than we are, who had decided to only visit new places for a while. I get it. What if she leaves this world without experiencing all these new places? My only reply is that, sometimes, we need to learn a place more deeply.
We've decided on a compromise, for now. One vacation a year must be to somewhere new, with places unexplored. Some years, we may toss out the comfortable completely, and become adventurers for all our trips. But some years, we may decide to revisit places that heal your heart, if only for two weeks at a time.
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