Tagging Along to Chicago

I played "corporate wife" and tagged along with John on a quick business trip to Chicago. We always talk about me joining him, but sometimes his trips are too painful. Some are too quick. And some are definitely to locations I have no interest in visiting. This trip was perfect, as he didn't have mandatory dinners each night with his colleagues. I hadn't been to Chicago in at least three years, so I was looking forward to visiting my old haunts (Art Institute) and going to new ones. The weather wasn't exactly perfect, but it definitely didn't snow or storm. I walked miles, learned to "Uber," and visited some new museums. Perfect! My new favorite museum is definitely the Richard Driehaus Museum , a Gold Coast mansion that has been refurbished to its original glory. The collections were stunning, especially the Tiffany lamps and fixtures, the tiles, and the ornate wood floors and moldings. Totally worth the admission fee and taking the time to att...