Observations, Ireland

First, the stereotype is true: so far, the Irish people we have
met have been warm, friendly, and funny. This observation includes
hotel staff, who are paid to be nice; restaurant owners, who make it their
business to be helpful and cheery; and even teenage workers at gas stations (go
figure) who generally could typically care less. Lots of smiles all
around, even on a day like today, with gale force winds.
Second, although I've been a passenger so far, it's my view that
the Irish roads are better marked than the English or Scottish ones. Except for
the narrowest lanes, they have center lines and bright yellow lines delineating the edges of the road. My driver (!!) tells me these markings
make it much easier to figure out where you are, especially on the narrower
rural roads. You can tell when you're "encroaching" into the other
Third, the homemade foods we've eaten so far--jams, breads,
desserts, soups, etc.--are just delicious. They have flavor! The jams taste of
ripe fruit, not sugar and pectin. The soups, so far, are well seasoned but
highlight the ingredient used (beans one day, vegetables another). And brown
bread, which seems to be a national staple, ranges from good to just
incredible. So far, the only white bread we've eaten is toast at
Finally, I'd forgotten what it's like to be in a country with
6-8 television channels and the same number of radio channels (2 Irish, 1
Gaelic, a few BBC and Sky News). The first day was a bit shocking! Where are my
50 choices? The truth is, I should be reading anyway...
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